what is it?
A method to develop quietude and presence, both in movement and stillness. It brings jnana yoga to the practice of postures, helping you touch Consciousness.
Yin, Hatha and Ashtanga are perform within the framework of Aikyam yoga.
The Movement
Aikyam brings yoga back to the truth, a method to disidentify with your body and mind. As you touch deeper dimensions of Self, your life is profoundly transformed and your health greatly enhanced.
means Oneness
It directs you to experience your inner being. One day you'll experience a greater aspect of life, the magnificent state of oneness. The postures are tools, progressive, yet secondary. In Aikyam Yoga we want to experience ourselves beyond mind and body, our pure energy.
The Teacher
Catalina, an expert teacher, yogi, and former scientist with a PhD in Medicine, has the vision to collect scientific evidence of optimised health and make Aikyam accessible through the health system for the benefit of all.
Opening offer!
$40 for 3 classes
If you like them, get our First Members offer: first month $40, then $45
Drop-in classes $25
Be one of the first to start Aikyam Yoga.
Age as you never imagined you could!
With greater vitality, healthier, happier, and
with less need for medications!