When you learn yoga in Kensington with us, we focus on helping you deal with discomfort or suffering, progressively transforming your body and mind. Whether it’s the body, the mind, or the heart, we can help ❤️ and really do tailor a yoga approach to your specific needs 🥰.
Some people need a more physical approach, some are ready for more subtle practices. Working together we will find what suits you best 👌🏻🤓🤩.
Suffering is created by unwanted thoughts 🤯 that induce feelings. We often only notice a discomforting feeling, remaining unaware of the underlying thought. From a little argument roaming in our heads, to stress for a presentation, to an addiction to food, or to someone, any thought to which you cling or resist, creates suffering regardless of its nature. Explore our online yoga courses in Kensington today.
Unwanted thoughts can range from mild to extremely painful. The first type can become the seeds for the second type.
Thoughts create the reality we experience. Therefore, what we experience NOW is the result of our previous and more regular thoughts because they drive our decisions, behaviours, and actions.
We start training our minds to not perpetuate suffering until we experience that we are not our minds. This can only be understood through experience in the process of transformation.
We must not feed our minds with what we see in the now but rather feed our minds with positive and constructive guidance about what we want. Join our yoga courses to learn more.
YogaSutra Sessions
At YogaSutra, we understand that everyone has unique qualities of mind and of body, therefore, not all practices suit all practitioners 🤓. When you learn yoga with us, our approach combines the physical and philosophical aspects of Hatha and Ashtanga (Raja) Yoga, merging elements of other yogic paths that work at subtle levels. Once your body is ready and optimised, the postures become secondary and more for maintenance.
Our classes will take you to a whole new level of experience beyond the physical 🤩.
Your main sessions are one-on-one where we tailor your practice to work on your needs. These will continue to evolve as you progress. We also have outdoor group sessions during the summer season, which are supportive of your customised practice. We also offer online yoga courses in Kensington.
Yoga Sutra will help you become free from suffering and heighten your wellbeing at all levels of life. Your body, more supple and lighter will become a tool for transformation and will no longer be a burden.
Learn to feel, discover, connect, and sense your true Self.
Learn to simply BE in true contentment.
You have the power to choose consciously and rewrite your thoughts. Happiness is a choice, true happiness is free from conditions.
Yoga is a spiritual practice meant to free you from your fears and from the limitations of your personality. For it is only us standing in our own way, but we erroneously think it is all the external things. So, why wait? Join our yoga courses today to learn yoga in Kensington.